Blog 12

I found this reading very interesting and learned many things about life and stories. There were a few things that stood out to me. I noticed the repeating sentences, this occurs twice in the reading. I reread the sentences to understand why they were important enough to be said twice. There were a lot of sentences that stood out to me, either because of their location in the text, the wording or how I connected to the sentence. One last thing that really stuck out to me was the amount of research that was embedded into this text. I never really thought about research being done on life stories and how they are written. There is a lot being looked at as to how and why people tell their stories. I believed many of the things that were said in this reading and felt that I connected to many points that were made. I made connections both to the world and to myself. I thought about all the stories that I tell about my life and all of the stories that I hear about others lives. There were points made in this reading about how we tell stories and how we change them depending on the audience, I connected with this because I speak differently to different people. How I tell my friends a story versus how I tell my grandmother is very different. I thought about how often stories are used to communicate after reading this text. We use stories to connect and understand.

2 thoughts on “Blog 12”

  1. Roxy, I agree that it is very cool to think that there is a lot of research just being done on narratives! I believe that everyone has a narrative but yes, they can be told differently. When Beck’s mentioned this, I immediately thought about how kids will tell their friends their story (including the bad things they have done) to sound cool. However, these details and memories of the rebellious side of the kid will be hidden and not shared with parents.

  2. Great! I’m curious if you believe there’s a difference between filtering one’s self depending on the audience and actually possessing separate selves. I am always so excited about the countless niche topics people study (and write about). The possibilities are truly endless!

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