Blog 5

When peer-reviewing the two essays that I read I learned more about the process of local vs. global edits. I have always been taught to edit essays both locally and globally, using both at the same time. In high school when we would do peer reviews, I would read through the essay and look for grammar mistakes and mark them, then I would read back through the essay and write down notes in the margins, that would hopefully help the writer. It was hard for me to peer review these essays simply because I couldn’t use local edits. I found myself marking grammatical errors on Bryn and Olivia’s essays and had to stop myself. I really enjoy local edits because I find myself to be good at locating grammatical errors in text. I try very hard to put useful notes in the margin, but usually I just write, “change this” or “I like this part.”  Global edits are harder for me because sometimes I find it hard to put what I’m trying to say in words. I feel that I don’t get very into detail, like I am supposed to. I think that it is always helpful to reread essays because when you go back through a second time you can always find things that you didn’t pick up on before. I enjoyed this exercise because it made me work harder on global edits. I really want to become good at both local and global edits, because I think that both processes can be very helpful in editing a paper.

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