ATI Pharm Proctored

This proctored test did not go as well as I had hoped. I think that part of the reason for the score that I got was because I had an exam before this test that I spent lots of time studying for. When I went to class to take this test, I was tired from my previous exam so feel that I made errors throughout this test that could’ve been avoided had this test fallen on its own day. There were medications on this test that I wasn’t familiar with so some questions I struggled with. I think that the two practice ATIs did help me with certain medications, although my grade was lower. Overall, I think that this exam could’ve gone better if I had spent more time studying medications for this pharm ATI. It is always hard to decide which exam take priority because I of course try to do well on all of my exams. Pharmacology is something that I will always be practicing and learning new medications. These tests and remediation teach me a lot about medications and why they are used. 

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