Medication Reconciliation Reflection

There are many reasons to reflect on this project and understand why medications and the administration process are so important. Medications can be very dangerous but can also save lives, so finding the balance between life and death is key. So many people are on medications and it is important that they are taught the correct ways to use, store and take medications. 

The medications that my patient took all made sense for him and his medical history. My patient was very aware of the reasons he took each medication. I did not find anything in my research that my patient didn’t already know. I helped my patient to learn more about medication safety. I educated him on how he could store his meds to prevent error and to be cautious at his place of work. My patient is very involved in his health, which I stated in my original paper. This involvement made writing the paper and teaching my patient much easier. My patient really likes the providers that he works with and trusts them to prescribe the correct medications. The providers work with him on a regular basis to make sure things are going well and that the medications are working and to ensure that the doses are correct. 

It is important when starting a medication to review everything with a patient and educate them on what could go wrong and what to expect when taking a certain medication. My patient has been on all of his medications for quite some time now so he now knows what his reactions are and how to record and report adverse effects. He has an electric blood pressure cuff at home and a pulse oximeter. He uses these two things often to ensure his vitals are stable and in his normal range. When it comes to safety risks, it is important to realize that a patients lifestyle can be a huge factor and stating this to the client is important. Every day, my client is doing something that could be risky due to his medications. Awareness is key while taking medications. Being aware and preventing risks from happening are achievable with the right mindset and education. 

For me and my future in nursing, I have taken many things from this project. To educate my patients. To allow my patients to ask questions and state concerns. To administer medications correctly and to ask for help when I need it or am unsure of a certain medication. It is also important to know the basics about a variety of common medications, so that when I am giving them, I know why and what the medication could do to the patient. I need to know my role at each part of medication administration and education. While being at clinical this semester, I have realized that nurses have a huge role in distribution of medications and educating clients every day about the medications that they are on. It can be repetitive, but it is so important that medications are explained so that clients can have less stress and can comprehend why they are taking medications. Nurses must put all details in simple terms for clients so that when they are discharged, they know how to administer and safely use medications. 

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